Forcepoint DLP Pricing

Get customized prices for Forcepoint DLP.

Get industry-leading data security, everywhere you need it.

Protect intellectual property, prevent breaches and leaks, and get out-of-the-box data privacy compliance for over 80 countries. Turn data security into a competitive advantage with Forcepoint DLP.

Secure Data
Secure Data Across the Business

Enforce DLP policies across web, cloud, network, email and endpoint from one unified console.

Ensure Compliance
Comply with Regulations Worldwide

Scale data security and privacy compliance globally with over 1,700 pre-defined classifiers and policy templates.

Behavioral Fingerprints
Reduce Costs and Risks

Eliminate false-positive alerts and automatically adjust policies based on user behavior to prevent data exfiltration attempts in real time.

Forcepoint DLP the Way You Want It



Single-click remediation

1,700+ predefined
data classifiers, templates, and policies

Secure sensitive data
from exfiltration at the endpoint

No browser extension required



Single-click remediation

1,700+ predefined
data classifiers, templates, and policies

Identify sensitive data
based on predefined policies

Secure data in motion

Monitor data movement
within the network



Single-click remediation

Data discovery
across various data sources

Apply policies
to identify sensitive information and
properly classify data

Fingerprint up to 100M files

Structured and unstructured
data support

“DLP Forcepoint delivers an exceptional experience with accurate detection of sensitive data, flexible policies, simple integration, detailed reporting, quality support.”


Information Security Specialist
Gartner Peer Insights
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Simple, transparent, and flexible pricing options